Saturday, November 13, 2010

Egg Tempera

    This is an egg tempera painting for one of my classes, it's supposed to show an emotion.  My idea changed a lot but I guess it can fall under greed/gluttony characteristics?  It's still in progress at the moment.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

More English class


I created my own characters geared for a children's book.

Sea Lions

During the feeding of the sea lions, I got some gestures of three of the zoo's sea lions.

The Met

Went to the Met and did caricatured the people I saw.

Central Park Zoo

  We went to the zoo for class and our task was to make characters out of the animals we drew.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Giraffe Waiter

        I did this over the summer, something just for fun.

English class

One of my favorite things about my Creative Non-Fiction class is getting to draw my peers.

Natural Museum of History

Some animals


I went to the Natural Museum of History today and drew two different angles of my favorite dinosaur.

Post It People

My teacher had us draw people quickly in class last month on post-it notes and I really enjoyed it.  I've been drawing people around school and Penn Station.